Littlest BipeStik

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Wing mods 2

Post by kdc914 »

Back to the wings. Only slight additional mods. For both, I drilled 1/4 inch "lightening" holes in the ailerons/trailing edges using a Forstner bit in a drill press to get a clean cut in the soft balsa. For the upper wing, the ailerons are glued into place as a fixed trailing edge. I also trimmed the unnecessary part of the upper decking - total savings = about 1g
For the lower wing, I trimmed the triangular end pieces and made a new set of longer ailerons out of 3/32" basswood (also drilled with lightening holes). No particular reason other than I find it easier to cover that way rather than the wing tip hanging over. I also sanded the shear webs a bit thinner to save another 0.5g. The side pieces to hold the landing gear are now epoxied into place. I accidentally grabbed the balsa pattern pieces rather than the plywood finished pieces for this. Naturally, I only I discovered this moments AFTER the thin CA set to hold them in place for the epoxy... Fingers and toes crossed that it's strong enough.
And so, here are both wings, ready for final sanding and covering.
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Joined: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:54 pm

Ready for Maiden!

Post by kdc914 »

If it survives maiden/Willy Wing Contest verification flight, I'll add a pilot and some decals. I'm too close to the weight limit to add them before the verification flight for contest entry. Thank you to all who contributed knowledge to make this build a reality - especially Ed Larsen who, in addition to a wealth of knowledge, graciously donated a motor and prop better suited to a biplane that what I had.
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Successful maiden.

Post by kdc914 »

Barely but, Barely counts! Took off, flew (erratically but more or less controlled), and landed safely. Now I just have to tweak the balance and/or adjust the incidence of the upper wing.

Maiden/Willy Wing Verification Flight:
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Joined: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:54 pm

Littlest BipeStik Weigh In

Post by kdc914 »

Official Weigh In for the Willy Wing 2024 contest. Barely counts! 246.4g AUW
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