Honker Bipe with "easy" ailerons
Honker Bipe with "easy" ailerons
Not having sufficient confidence in my skill to do integral ailerons like Ed Larsen did, I opted for the easier route - full length trailing edge ailerons. I put fixed trailing edges on the upper wing to match. Per Ed's experience, I added some area to the horizontal stab and kind of wish I hadn't. Like my earlier experiment with the Littlest Stik Bipe project, I find it to be VERY pitch sensitive. Not as much as the Frankenstik but still overly so. Hopefully a bit more expo and/or travel limits will solve that. As with the FrankenStik, I went with a black and gold New Orleans Saints color scheme. Testors rattle can paint and MinWax WBPU top coat. EMax 1407 motor, 12A ESC, APC 6x3.1SF prop and 2s/500mah power.
Re: Honker Bipe with "easy" ailerons
As hoped, upping elevator expo from 25% to 35% made a world of difference and its a lot more comfortable to fly. Aileron response is somewhat lackluster but increased throw should resolve. Looking like this will be another good one for my squadron. Now, if I can take what I learned from this one and successfully apply to the FrankenStik, I'll have two well-flying WillyNillies.com biplanes. 

Re: Honker Bipe with "easy" ailerons
Well it turns out that, even at 100% throw, 1/2 inch ailerons weren't enough. The roll rate is very slow so I added another 1/4 inch to each. Picture for comparison.
I'll get the add-ons painted and test fly ASAP.Re: Honker Bipe with "easy" ailerons
The additional 1/4" on the ailerons helps quite a bit. It also turns out that part of my aileron problem is a VERY slow moving servo. If I wiggle the stick back and forth rapidly, the servo loosens up and moves more quickly. I suppose the grease inside has thickened up. I'll replace that servo ASAP and it should then be a great little fun-flier.
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