Wee series Papillon build video

Everything you will want and need to know about the WillyNillies.com Wee series Papillon
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Wee series Papillon build video

Post by WillyNillies.com »

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Re: Wee series Papillon build video

Post by kdc914 »

Chris Reibert's Wee Papillon build video

[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo0m5jr ... L&index=16[/youtube]
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Small blocks in aft fuselage? Re: Wee series Papillon build video

Post by swOHJon »

First off , thanks to WillyNillies for a nicely done kit for this airplane. But, it'd really help to have a sheet of paper included that labels the parts. And thanks to Chris R. for posting the build video.
I'm just getting started and am hung up on identifying the small rectangular blocks visible in the build video at 0:48 and 1:01. Which pieces are they in the cut sheet? What locates them along the length of the fuselage? What are these pieces for?
Thanks for any help!
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