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Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:56 pm
by Archie
Howdy 🤠
I'm Bret from Northern Utah. I've been interested in flight my entire life. I just started flying rc about 4 years ago, i'm in my 50's. This will be my first build. I also picked up a cox cruiser .049 with throttle control for this Barnstormer I'm about to build. Guess I'll see if it will all fit.
Actually I'm going to start with the J3 cub 250 with electric kit.
Hope you enjoy this Easter weekend. Our family will be remembering our savior Jesus Christ, the atonement made in our behalf as well as his resurrection. A reassuring promise to eternal life.
Bret Archibald

Re: Howdy

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:21 am
by kdc914
welcome aboard!